...but I was alive
Saturday, April 24, 2004
Here I am, finally in a decent internet cafe and entirely uninspired to write! I spent a couple days this week being sick, what a surprise, sick in India, how unheard of! I am in good health once again though, and the sickness afforded me a day of exceptionally bendy practice yesterday when, not only did I bind mari D all by myself on both sides (!) I also finished the series! Today was led class (AKA boot camp) and tomorrow is a day off, the organic market at the Green Hotel and potluck at my house!
Other than the obvious practice progress I don't have too much new to report. It's still hot, but not as bad, because it poured all night last night, which also had the pleasant effect of keeping me awake. Election campaigns are taking over the streets and the general bustle that existed previously seems like complete silence relative to the blaring music and announcements that are now broadcast constanly throughout the streets from giant speakers mounted on the tops of rickshaws. And the beat goes on...
I booked our flight back to Bangkok yesterday, so we're now officially leaving on May 11, which will give us about 15 days to tie any loose ends in Bangkok and go for a quick whirl round Lao before we head back to the glory and beauty of Newark, and ultimately back to Montreal for convocation. When the time comes I'm definitely going to be ready to go home: I've done my thing here, figured out my plan for the next while (which was so entirely unclear when I left in January that I refused to think about it, because it scared me too much) and I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to just get back and live that life. It will be time.

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